The Fort Wayne Public Art Commission is inviting area residents to share their opinions about public art. The Commission recently launched a website, which offers three ways residents can provide input about what kinds of public art they’d like to see and in what locations.
Mayor Tom Henry, members of the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission, local contractors, and City Community Development and Public Works staff broke ground today on improvements to Ardmore Avenue from Airport Expressway to Second Street near the entrance to Fort Wayne International Airport.
The approximately one-mile length of roadway will be under construction until November and will be widened to include a center turn lane, new street lighting, street trees and an asphalt trail along the east side of Ardmore. There will be ADA-compliant curb ramps at the intersections of Second Street, Vanguard Drive and Airport Expressway. In order to address numerous drainage issues, storm sewers will be installed, including curb and gutter inlets and yard inlets.
The City of Fort Wayne’s Community Development Division is sharing the recently finalized Downtown Fort Wayne Public Realm Action Plan created by internationally recognized architecture and urban design firm, Gehl. The Action Plan outlines possible pilot projects that would connect public spaces and encourage more people to visit downtown and stay for longer periods of time.
“This action plan provides ideas for building on our momentum and creating a vibrant, active and exciting downtown for all residents to enjoy,” said Mayor Tom Henry.
The City of Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commision is issuing a request for qualifications (RFQ) for teams interested in developing the premier riverfront property located at the northeast corner of Harrison and Superior streets, east of Promenade Park.
The City of Fort Wayne Public Art Commission and Arts United are inviting all residents to a PechaKucha event designed to explore various forms of public art. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Arts United Center/Rolland Gallery, 303 E. Main St.