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Fort Wayne Trails
fort wayne trailsLegacy dollars have been used as match money for several federally funded trail projects. The trails meet Legacy criteria because they leverage significant federal funds and serve as a catalyst for additional development. Funds have been used on the Rivergreenway Extension from Johnny Appleseed Park to Shoaff Park, two sections of the Pufferbelly Trail, the Engle Road Trail, the Six-Mile Creek Trail and the Covington Road Trail. 


Skyline Garage
Ash Rendering May 2014 wo credits smallAs part of the construction of a new Ash Brokerage headquarters in downtown Fort Wayne Wayne, the City constructed a 1,200 space parking garage to meet current needs, anticipated growth and future development. The City's investment of $39 million included the parking garage, land acquisition, site preparation, streetscape improvements, utility upgrades, as well as other project enhancements. Funding for the City's investment in the development came from a combination of tax increment financing (TIF) funds through the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission, $5 million of Legacy funds, and support from the Allen County-Fort Wayne Capital Improvement Board (CIB). No property taxes were used to fund the City's portion of the project.

The Landing
msj4Legacy Funds have supported the historic revitalization of seven buildings and construction of one new building along West Columbia Street. The Landing was once the central business district of Fort Wayne because of its location along the Wabash and Erie Canal and later the railroad. It is a local historic district and is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The re-imagined Landing includes 70 apartments and 56,000 square feet of commercial and retail space. 


The Clyde Theatre
Clyde Horizontal
Legacy funds have supported the renovation of the historic Clyde Theatre at Quimby Village and helped transform it into world-class entertainment venue and anchor for south Fort Wayne.