General Meeting Information
The Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission will hold its Regular Meetings on the second Monday of each month. The meetings will be held in the Council Discussion Room, Room 030 Garden Level in Citizens Square at 4 p.m. These meetings may be cancelled or a Special Meeting may be scheduled in addition to/or in place of the Regular Meeting. In addition, according to Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-6.1, Executive Sessions may be called to address such topics such as the discussion of the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body, litigation, or personnel issues.
Meeting Notices will be distributed to the local media, via the media folders on the 4th floor of Citizens Square, as well as posted on the 3rd floor bulletin board outside suite 320 of Citizens Square.
If you have any questions, you may call the Redevelopment Office at 311.
January 11: Cancellation
January 25: Special Meeting Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
February 8: Agenda - Public Hearing Agenda - Authority Agenda - Video of Meeting
March 14: Agenda - Public Hearing Agenda - Video of Meeting
April 11: Agenda - Public Hearing Agenda - Video of Meeting
May 9: Agenda - Video of Meeting
June 13: Cancellation
July 11: Agenda - Video of Meeting
August 8: Cancellation
September 12: Agenda - Public Hearing Agenda - Video of Meeting
October 10: Agenda - Video of Meeting
November 14: Agenda - Video of Meeting
December 12:Agenda - Video of Meeting
2015 Regular Meeting Schedule
January 5: Cancellation
January 12: Cancellation
January 20: Special Meeting Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
February 9: Cancellation
March 9: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
April 13: Agenda - Video of Meeting- Minutes
May 11: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
June 8: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
July 13: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
August 10: Cancellation
September 14: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
October 12: Cancellation
November 9: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
November 16: Executive Session Agenda
December 14: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
2014 Regular Meeting Schedule
January 13: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
February 10: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
March 10: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
April 14: Cancellation
April 21: Special Meeting Agenda - Executive Session Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
May 12: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
May 27: Special Meeting Agenda - Public Hearing - Minutes
June 9: Cancellation
July 14: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
August 11: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
September 8: Cancellation of Regular Meeting - Cancellation of Public Hearing
September 29: Special Meeting Agenda - Public Hearing - Video of Meeting - Minutes
October 13: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
November 10: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
December 8: Cancellation of Regular Meeting
December 15: Agenda - Video of Meeting - Minutes
2013 Regular Meeting Schedule
January 14: Agenda - Public Hearing
February 11: Agenda - Executive Session
March 11: Agenda
April 8: No Meeting
May 13: Agenda - Public Hearing
June 10: Agenda - Executive Session
July 8: July 8 Cancellation - July 15 Special Meeting
August 12: Agenda - Public Hearing
September 9: Agenda - Executive Session
October 14: Agenda
November 11: November 11 Cancellation - November 18 Special Meeting
December 8: December 8 Cancellation - December 16 Special Meeting